Mine Envirotech
Safety Plans of mines

CHAPTER-VI : Plans and Sections
MMR Reg.60. General requirements about mine plans and sections –
(1) Every plan or section prepared or submitted in accordance with the provisions of the regulations shall –
(a) show the name of the mine and of the owner, and the purpose for which the plan is prepared;
(b) show the true north, or the magnetic merid ian and the date of the latter;
(c) show a scale of the plan at least 25 centimeters long and suitably subdivided;
(d) unless otherwise provided, be on a scale having a representative factor of
(i)200 : 1, in case of mica mines and other mines having small scale workings below ground;
(ii) 2,000 : 1, in case of mines having large open cast workings and also in case of surface plans of large leasehold areas ; and
(iii) 1,000 : 1, in other cases.
(5)Plans and sections required to be maintained under the regulations shall be kept available for inspection
in the office at the mine, and shall not be removed therefrom except by or with the approval in writing of
the Regional Inspector, unless a true copy thereof has been kept therein.
61. Types of plans and sections –
(1) The owner, agent or manager of every mine shall keep the following
plans and sections :
(a) A surface plan showing every surface feature within the boundaries, such as telephone, telegraph or
power transmission line, watermain, tram-line, railway, road, river, watercourse, reservoir, tank, bore -
hole, shaft and incline opening, opencast working, subsidence and building on the surface.
(b) An underground plan showing :
(i) the position of the workings of the mine belowground;
(ii) every bore-hole and shaft (with depth),drive cross cut, winze, rise, excavation (stopped ground)
and every tunnel and air passage connected therewith;
(iii) every pillar or block of mineral left for the support of any structure on the surface; and
underground magazines, if any;
(iv) every important surface feature within the boundaries, such as railway, road, river, stream,
watercourse, tank, reservoir, opencast working and building which is within 200 metres of
any part of the workings measured on the horizontal plane;
(v) the general strike of the veins, lodes, reefs an mineral beds or deposits;
(vi) the position of every dyke, fault and other geological disturbance with the amount and direction
of its throw; and
62. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted – The owner, agent or manager shall, on or before the 30
April of every year, submit to the Chief Inspector two up-to-date copies of the plans and sections
maintained under clauses (b) , (c) and (d) of regulation 61(1). The provisions of this regulation shall be
deemed to have been complied with if the owner, agent or manager gets the copies of plans and sections
submitted hereunder during the previous years brought up-to-date at his own expense.
65. List of plans, sections and instruments and their storage –
(1) All plans and sections, and tracings or
copies thereof, kept at the mine shall be serially numbered or suitably indexed.
(2) Suitable arrangements shall be made at every mine for the proper storage and maintenance of every plan
and section of all instruments and materials. Such arrangements shall, unless otherwise permitted by the
Chief Inspector by an order in writing an subject to such conditions as he may specify, provide for flat
storage of every plan and section maintained under clauses (b), (c) and (d) of regulation 61(1)