Mine Envirotech
Environmental Clearance

1. Environmental studies
Environment is defined as surrounding of human being which comprises of air, water , land, forest, lakes, river etc. Following studies are being conducted by us:
• Ambient Air Quality Study
• Water Quality & Quantity Study
• Air Pollution Study
• Noise Pollution Study
• Bio Diversity Survey
• Performance Study of Common Effluent Treatment System
• Inventorization Survey of Wastes
• Socio Economy Survey
• Land use Study
The objective of Environment Studies is to fulfill the requirement of the Gazette Notification of Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) dated 14th September 2006.
3.We are conversant with the existing legal and procedural requirements of obtaining environmental clearance for proposed project.
• We guide the proponent through initial screening of the project and establish whether EIA studies are required to be conducted and if so finalize the scope of such study.
• We are also fully equipped with required instruments and infrastructure for conducting EIA studies.
• We are responsible for supplying all the environment-related information required by the MoEF, SEAC and SEIAA through the proponent.
• We justify the findings in the EIA and EMP during the meeting with the expert groups at SEIAA. EIA is mandatory to be prepared for assessing the impact of the particular industries/development on a particular area.
• We prepare form I , IA & EIA Report with good proficiency & sincerity. We have prepared EIA Repots for 184 projects comprises of Aravalli Notification of MoEF 7.5.92, EIA Notification of MoEF 14.9.06 for industrial & mining projects.
4. Environment Management Plan
After ascertaining the impact of activity on a particular area,
Environmental Management Plan needs to be prepared which consist of following:
• Resource Management
• Solid waste management
• Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan, if villages are to be displaced.
• Air Pollution Control measures
• Water Pollution Control & Water Balance
• Occupational safety and health measures
• Noise Pollution Control measures
• Traffic Management
• Rain Water Harvesting details
• Electronic waste management plan
• Green & Horticulture Management
• Hazardous waste management plan
5. Risk Assessment and Management Plan
Risk assessment forms an integral part of EIA study. Risk assessment study deals with identifying and evaluating the magnitude of impending risks to which the neighboring population is exposed , due to occurrence of accidents involved in the project .
6. Disaster Management Plan:
Disaster Management Planning is of foremost importance in a report as it explains the means and measures proposed to be taken at the time of any eventuality in the complex / unit / project. Disaster Management Plan explains both manmade disasters and Natural Disasters.
The means & measures undertaken to prevent and if the eventuality happens then proposed methods to tackle the same are given in the report.
Disaster Management Plan includes:
• Risk assessment & vulnerability analysis
• Flood prevention, preparedness and mitigation
• Fire prevention & control
• Cyclonic disaster management
• Earth quake
• Chemical disaster
• Disaster risk management and capacity development
• Preparedness for mass casualty management
• Medical preparedness for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear ( CBRN ) management
• Security plan