Mine Envirotech
Geological Mapping

We undertake Detail exploration of various metallic and non metallic minerals like exploration of cement grade limestone, china clay, gypsum, calcite wollastonite, quartz, silica sand, iron ore Bauxite, Lead, zinc, copper, marble, granite, sand stone etc.The detail exploration includes right from the identification of resorce to Detail Geological Mapping, Grade & raserves assessment by geochemical & Geophysical Surveys, Diamond Core Drilling etc. Presently we are having job assingments for exploration of Cement grade limestone from J.K. Cements, Saurashtra Cements, Exploration for Bauxite in Parts of Gujrat for a NRI Group, besides several small assingments from unorganised sectors.
Geophysical logging is carried out to ascertain the lithology and nature of strata below the earth after drilling. Geophysical logging is very useful in both-tube well designing and mineral exploration. In this a probe, which functions as potential electrode is lowered inside the borehole and current electrodes, are placed either at the surface or in the hole. Difference in the electrical prosperities of the earth is recorded at different depths, which gives the indication about the litho logy & the nature of the strata down at various depths. This helps in the designing of a tube well as well as detection of mineral resources.
The quality of pipes to be laid beneath surface of earth for water supply or to carry cables depends on nature of soil resistance surrounding the pipe, since soil resistivity is the function of corrosively of soil in field conditions. Also, it is important to determine the resistivity of soil in field conditions. Also, it is important to determine the resistivity of soil prior to installation of any electric transmission line. Our center conducts surveys for determination of soil resistivity, by modern geophysical equipments, to help planning of such projects.